How Do You Know How Much Sleep You Need for a Relaxing Night?


How Do You Know How Much Sleep You Need for a Relaxing Night?

Consider the instructions for the time you can recite. Wait 30 minutes to swim after a meal. Be at the airport two hours before your flight. Visit your dentist every six months. Now ask yourself: "How many hours should I sleep?" If you're not sure, you're not alone. (The answer is not the same for everyone anyway.) Here's how to know how much sleep you need.

Everyone has different sleep needs.

Your sleep needs change throughout your lifetime. When you're young and growing up, it's normal to spend half or even more of the day sleeping. As you get older, you need less sleep every night for proper health and fitness.

Although age is the primary factor determining how much sleep you need, it's not the only factor.

Genetics affects your circadian rhythm and sleep patterns. There is even a rare short sleep gene mutation that allows individuals to sleep six hours or less every night without any side effects.

Your physical and mental health affects how much sleep you need. For example, people suffering from anxiety or depression tend to spend less time in the deep sleep phases, so they may need more time asleep to rest properly.

Sleep needs can vary according to different lifestyles. Athletes often need more sleep to get rid of intense physical training.

Do you feel well rested? That's all you need sleep.