How Does the Mediterranean Diet Affect Sleep Quality?


How Does the Mediterranean Diet Affect Sleep Quality?

Snacking cheese before going to bed makes you have nightmares. Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed will help you fall into a peaceful sleep.

Everyone has heard of these ancient superstitions about sleep and eating, but where is the line between truth and fiction? What do we really know about eating and sleeping, especially when it comes to a specific diet?

It turns out both a lot and a little. Certain diets and the intersection of sleep have been an underresearched area of sleep science, but that has begun to change. In recent years, more research has begun to be conducted examining not only the impact of certain foods and nutrients on our sleep, but also dietary choices. While our diets can affect our sleep, our sleep can also affect our desires and eating habits.

According to studies, the Mediterranean diet can be healthy not only for the heart and brain, but also for sleep.

Some staple foods that are part of the Mediterranean diet are rich in melatonin, serotonin and vitamin D, and these properties can also improve sleep.

Red meat and fat are limited in the Mediterranean diet. Fish or a small amount of poultry, there is olive oil instead of fat. Plenty of fruits and vegetables, cereals, nuts, one egg a day... The Mediterranean diet improves blood flow to the brain, protects memory and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's. As for sleep... Lying sideways helps clean the brain of waste and thus reduces the risk of Alzheimer's or other nervous system-degrading diseases.