3 Ingredients For Quality Sleep


3 Ingredients For Quality Sleep


According to the data of the Czech Household Panel Survey 2018-2020 and a study published in the journal PLOS One, the quality of sleep is more important than the duration in order to be productive and active during the day. Previous studies have also directly linked a person's sleep quality to their mood, but according to recent studies, the reason why our sleep quality varies is social jet lag. The phenomenon we call social jet lag syndrome is a condition caused by a violation of the order of the sleeping time.   

There may be many reasons for poor sleep quality. These are lifestyle factors such as smoking, weight gain, sleep apnea, stress, lack of exercise, and psychosocial stress factors such as financial difficulties, relationship problems, marital unhappiness, and health problems, which can greatly affect both the length and quality of sleep. So how can we improve our sleep quality? 


 Remember that almost every day of the week, your sleeping hours should follow each other. Quality sleep and stability are essential for you not to get caught up in social jet-lag syndrome. 


 In order for our body to go into sleep mode, our brain should not be stimulated. Even though our eyes are closed, our eyelids are thin enough to perceive the light around us. For this reason, an environment that is as dark and quiet as possible is important during and after falling asleep. 


 Based on the results of increasing clinical studies in recent years, lavender's essential oil in particular has been proven to have a calming, stress-reducing, revitalizing effect for a comfortable sleep.  So much so that lavender oil reaches its highest level in the blood just 19 minutes after being applied to a certain area of our body through massage. In scientific studies conducted on humans, there have been findings that these chemicals improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety. Based on the scientific data obtained, you can grow a lavender plant in your bedroom, massage your arms, ankles and behind the ears with lavender oil before going to bed. 

A second suggestion will be the effect of natural stones on human energy. Human energy is also very important for a comfortable sleep. Crystal Quartz stone, which is considered the ancestor of natural stones and has properties such as energy regulation, aura cleansing, is a natural wonder that you can benefit from while improving your sleep quality.